Tuesday, August 27, 2013

The Gayuma Ni Maria Experience

I was curious about this restaurant named Gayuma ni Maria in Sikatuna Village, Quezon City. I've just heard and found it when I scanned some blogs in the internet. Most of the blogs I've read, praise and adore this restaurants. I was still working in Makati that time and I can't find a spare time to visit the place. Until I forget about it.

Last June 22, 2013, I told my sister Juliet about it and opened the idea of giving it a try since where on our way to somewhere in Quezon City. I just Google how to locate the restaurant. From Fortune, Marikina, we took up a jeepney going to Cubao. We went down to Anonas then road another jeep going to City Hall. We stopped in the corner where Jolibee is located. I'm not sure about the exact address but we took a walk going to Savemore Supermarket, then turned left and found V Luna Ext. The exact address of the restaurant is in 123 V Luna Ext., Sikatuna Village, Quezon City (Sorry for the low quality photos).

The place is cozy and has this romantic ambiance. The first thing that I tell my sister was "Para sa mga mag da-date pala dito" then I grinned. But seriously, I was a bit disappointed when I saw the restaurant. I was expect larger space for the dining area. 

We chose the table the is nearer to the counter. The waiter immediately gave the menu list to us. I was amazed when I saw the name of dishes. Those names are sounds very interesting that I could even think what kind of foods are they, so we just asked for a description coming the waiter. 

So what will I choose? 

As for merienda, I chose I'm Wild For You. Unfortunately I forgot the name of the dish my sisters chose, but It also has a Pasta thing.

The foods we asked are very delicious. I do love the unique taste of my I'm Wild For You. It's not sweet, It's just perfect. We felt so busog agad, by also the help of bottom less Ice Tea. 
Beat Sex Anyday
Feeling excited? :)

Pavlova Cake
We also try their desserts. I picked up Beats Sex Anyday and Toto chose Pavlova Cake. 

In the other side of the Gayuma Ni Maria's corner, placed a numbers of souvenirs that you could buy. 

Naughty Stuffs Section

You naughty!

Upstairs. A japanese type of living room.

Dining Area outside
I really enjoyed the food and experience of Gayuma Ni Maria. I very much recommend it to anyone who loves to eat! They food are so amazing and very delicious. 

Dining Area outside

Time to pay the bills

College Friends

I can't help my self to feel sad each time I remember them. Who? Lemme introduce them to all of you. 

Lhets and I Birthday Celebration

They are my friends. I met them almost 5 years ago. I was very excited then. I know college life will be completely different from high school. Taking up another step higher will surely change my life. 

I take up BS Architecture in Technological Institute of the Philippines in Quezon City. I was scared and excited at the same time. I will definitely have to  face new challenges as I meet new people. My expectation was really far from the reality. I thought that it would be hard for me to have a new friends, but I was wrong.

I first met Lholette. I had a mistake. I entered a wrong class. I feel ashamed as I step out of that room. Then suddenly someone called me and asked me. Its her. We looked for our class together, talked and took up lunch together. She's chubby but cute. She laughs a lot. She's kind and she shared so many things to me already. 

Then I met Neri, Gennie and Abby. I also met Clarise and Julian. All of them have different characteristics. They became my friends. I met Mica, MJ and Marce. We were in the same section AR11KB1 under Arch. Gilbert Cailon. 

The AR11KB1 in Year 2009

My first year in college is lots of fun and experiences. They shared new things to me. I was very happy. Sophomore years have been a lit bit different. We have to deal more serious problems regarding academics. We met terror professors, conduct different site visit and several overnights. We used to do our scale model making in our house. I always stand as a leader since first year and that makes them trust me on academe. Lhets, Julian, MJ and Marce became my constant friends. Some of people in our group chose to make friends to others. We had cool bonding as we share our happy and sad moments to each other. We fall in love and get hurts. We experienced to fail on our subjects. We cry, mourn and drink together whenever we feels blue. We always make sure that we have each other.

Lhets and I in SM Manila

MJ and I in Intramuros

Marce, Julian and I in Wildlife

We stayed together for years. I didn't even expect that one day, I will have to leave them and forget everything that we shared. Among the others, Julian have been the closest to me. I owe so many things to her. She had been a real friend to me. She listen to my opinions, she respects my decision, but that was before. I love her and it really hurts to think that she just choose to hate me. Marce also feel the same. I don't know If MJ and Lhets are with them. I just became so emotional each time I remember them. 

Marce, MJ and I in Timezone Gateway Cubao
Lhets, Julian, MJ and I in Bldg.3 5thfloor in TIPQC

Julian, Lhets and I in Fort Santiago, Intramuros

Julian, Lhets, MJ and I in MJ's Boarding House

Julian, Lhets, MJ and I outside Alimall Cubao

They were my friends. They still my friends. I will never hate them. I wont ever tell bad things against them. I still thank them for being a good person to me. I know they hate me and they don't understand my situation right now. But I will never forget that, once in my life I dreamed with them. I love them so much. I just wish they been strong enough to love me than to hate me. 

Julian, Marce, Lhets, MJ and I in Loreland Resort

Chi Cha, Marce, Nick, Julian, MJ and I in Loreland Hotel Room

Julian, Lhets, MJ, Marce and I in Loreland Hotel Hallway

Julian, Lhets, MJ, Marce and I in Loreland Balcony

Marce, Julian, Lhets, MJ and I in Loreland Resort

Julian, Lhets, MJ, Marce and I in Gateway Cinema for World War Z

MJ, Julian and Lhets in Alimall Food Court

I miss you all guys, Julian, Lhets, MJ and Marce. I miss you. :(

Monday, August 26, 2013

Matrix Design

August 26, 2013 11:54 PM

I had another family aside from my own. Outside our home, Matrix Design people have been a family to me. I still remember how I found them. I sent a resume to the company’s email address. The position was said to be an Architectural Designer. They called up after two days and asked me to visit the office. That time, I was still employed under RS Carson General Construction. I’ve been their employee for almost four months. My first was in Fairmont Hotel, Raffles Suites and Residences in Makati, followed by in Tuscany Private Estate in Mckinley Hills, Taguig. I was asked to report to Solaire Resorts and Casino to finish their As-Built Drawings, but I refused. That’s was the time I submit an application to Matrix Design Inc.




Matrix Design Inc. is a small type of Architectural and Construction Firm, unlike from my previous company before it. It focuses more on residential and commercial establishments. The company prepares Architectural drawings from a scratch or schemes that eventually translated into AutoCAD form as time the client approves the plans, then the preparation for working drawings will start. I was shocked about this company. I just didn't expect the bigger changes. I never been had a chance to handle those kinds of project on my previous work. The two companies have a different kind of scopes in this field. Matrix Design taught me many things that I've never encountered in school.

In this company, I've met different kinds of individuals. I first met Jonas, he was late then and I was there for my examination and interview. Then I met Kuya Larry, he’s act as head of our team. He instructed me what I will do. He is kind, so as Jonas. Both of them have different characteristics. Jonas is sort of jolly and bully. He loves to tease me, whenever he had a chance. We used to talk about movies and loves to trade. Kuya Larry is a hilarious person, he sometimes serious, but most of the time cheerful. I was seated beside him that makes him special to me. I used to share my thoughts and problems to him. He’s a good Kuya and he always gives me advice  I also met Neri. We had a short time of getting to know thing since she left the company by April. She is kind and cool. She acts and say what she think is right. She doesn't hide her negatives sides, and that makes me like her. She is true to herself. Jennifer and Rosanna came up from nowhere. I knew that they always work there as their summer job. These kiddos are so dear to me. They make me laugh and amazed in different way. I love them for being so sweet and kind to me. Kiara and Sir Alex are also part of it. Kiara is the Civil Engineer of the group and Sir Alex conducts the cutting list. Sir Alex is kind to me despite the gossips I've heard from other people. I still thank him for his kindness. Ren is the newest in our group. I was the reason he knew the company. Ren is a funny guy and it’s not hard to like him. He has this kinda unique character that makes us all laugh. And of course, I will never forget Sir Alain. He is the Designer of the company. He is the leader of the Architectural Team of Matrix Design. He is smart, has a strong character but very kind person. I owe a lot of things to him. He taught me more than what I need to learn. He shares his experience in Architectural field and explains so many things about it. I've known him for being so generous in knowledge. He shares a lot. Some people nearby doesn't understand his attitude. They take him in different way. They focus only on his bad sides and forgot that he also has a good side. Sir Alain is an idol to me. He always inspires me to dream high and share it at the same time. He helped me to solve some issues in my life. He understands my thoughts and accepts my opinions. He listened to me that my own father never did. He sees the good side of me and believes that I have potential to make it on the top. I will never ever forget that he once stands as my father. I will always keeps on my mind what he always shares, what are his advice  I still hope that the people inside the company could able to see what I saw to him. He is a good person, God knows that.

Matrix Design Inc. is owned by brothers Arch. Maximo C. Chan Jr. and Arch. Edgar C. Chan. Both of them are kind and humble persons. They accept and respect everyone’s opinions and decisions. I also owe a lot to them and to their mother, Mrs. Chan.

I love the people behind Matrix Design. They've been a family to me. They've been a friend to me and I will always treasure all our memories we had, and honor each one of them. I love them and I thank God for letting me be part of the team even in a short period of time.

When Depression Strikes You

August 26, 2013 10:56 PM

I've been sitting and starting in blank page of paper in my computer for a few minutes, I still don’t know where will I start and how will I put those thoughts into words. I’m trying to collect every detail that comes from my mind. I keep on thinking about different things that could help me to make a perfect article for a certain post, but I guess I have a problem with that. Because I know, there’s no perfection in any things. It may exist but I‘m too far from it. So here it goes.


As the meaning of Depression have been stated by Wikipedia, a state of low mood and aversion to activity that can affect a person’s thoughts, behavior, feelings and sense of well-being. Depressed people may feel sad, anxious, empty, hopeless, worried, helpless, worthless, guilty, irritable, hurt or restless. Those people who are depressed may lose interest in activities that once were pleasurable. The feeling of depressed is normal to anyone of us. Each of us may suffer from different problems and the feeling of loneliness about is also natural, until it became any illness.

Depression is also known as Clinical Depression or Major Depression Disorder, is a medical illness that causes a constant feeling o sadness and lack of interest. It can lead to emotional and physical problems. The feeling of being depressed is typical to all of us; however, people with a Depressive Disorder find that their state interferes with their daily life. 
As I've read different articles about Depression, I've also understand that it has different kinds and types.

       Major Depressive Disorder –in this kind, the patient suffers from     combination of symptoms that undermine their ability to sleep, study, work, eat and enjoy activities he enjoyed before.

       Dysthymic Disorder –also known as Mild Chronic Depression. The patient will suffer symptoms for so long, however, the symptoms are not severe as in Major Depression.

       Psychotic Depression –this is when severe depressive illness includes hallucinations, delusions and/or withdrawing from reality.

       Postpartum Depression –also known as Postnatal Depression. If a mother experience a Major Depression after giving birth within a few weeks, she most likely developed Postnatal Depression.

       SAD or Seasonal Affective Disorder –is much more common the further from the equator. A person who develops a depressive illness during winter might have a SAD. The symptoms will go away when summer or spring.

       Bipolar Disorder or Manic Depressive Illness –it is not as common as Major Depression or Dysthymia. The patient experience high and extreme lows. These extremes are known as manias.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Constant feeling of sadness and emptiness
  • Feeling of pessimism sets in
  • Feeling of hopeless
  • Feeling of restless
  • May experience irritability
  • May lose interest in activities or hobbies they enjoyed before
  • Lose of interest in sex
  • Feeling of fatigue or low energy
  • Find it hard to concentrate, remember details or make decisions
  • Sleep too little or too much
  • Eat too much or have no appetite
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Complains of aches and pains, headaches, cramps or digestive problems


Personal Experience

I've been reading different articles and topics that are related to Depression. I start doing those last June. I've been searching answers to my problems. Why I feel so uncomfortable and empty. From reading, I then jumped to finding solutions to my problems by going to hospital. I asked for a Psychiatric help. I know there’s something wrong and I finally faced the idea of asking a medical help. At first, the idea of Manic Depressive Disorder or Bipolar Disorder scares me. Fortunately, I don’t have Bipolar Disorder, which I think is worse than my case. The doctor told me that I’m suffering from Major Depression Disorder. That my case is severe and I have to take some medicines and attend counseling. I was out of mind then. I don’t know where I will start because I went there alone and I’m not prepared to tell to my family what’s going on. I try to keep it a secret until I have no choice but to reveal it to my family. Thank God that they understand and support me to this battle.

I left the school, I asked for a one month leave away from the office, but I immediately resigned, and I choose to stay home. I want myself away from those things I guess would only worsen my case, away from those people who've hurt and used me. It’s not easy. I have to throw all those things away from me. I have to start fixing myself when in fact I still don’t know what the real problem is. I feel so confused that I want to stop thinking. I want these to end. I tried to commit suicide for several times, but I always find myself lose of strength to push it. The urge of dying is still very tempting to me. People may call me coward for choosing it as a solution, but no. I tried to fight for it for a few months and years. I fight. I tried to control the pain and loneliness I feel inside. I tried to smile and laugh. I tried to live normal just like the others. I tried and tried, I just feel so tired of trying so much.
I've been so strong for so long. God knows that I've tried enough. This feeling is absurd, I know right. Some people might laugh and teased me. Some friends left me for misunderstanding my situation. It hurts. I feel the pain slowly killing my mind. Then the idea of dying came out again. Seriously, I still want to die. I’m just too afraid for my family’s reaction just in case I succeed. I don’t want them to worry or feel the sadness I feels for so long. So I just have to submit myself into medication. I just have to believe in the good sides of these stories. One day, I will be fine and I will enjoy my life again.

Friday, August 23, 2013

Endless Pain and Loneliness

I just want to think that this is only a nightmare. That I will eventually realize that these things are just an imagination and I will be able to wake up from it. But no, It's not.

I'm actually having a Major Depression Disorder and I am treated for more a month. I can't even imagine that these kind of illness really exist. Unfortunately, I'm one of the victim. 

NOTE: I will continue this topic soon. Meme na muna. zZZzz.

From Tumblr: I Never Needed Anyone

August 01, 2013

Just like a famous line of the song All By Myself, I also thought that I could live on my own. That I never needed anyone, I can do different things just by myself. I dwell on the idea that, no one can help you, but yourself. But I was wrong. I’m wrong.

I had a blog before, but I stopped writing because I want changes. I’ve change all my accounts on different social networks. I want something different from the life I thought was perfect. 
I have an organized plans. I planned those things in very detailed way. From one thing to another. From simple things to the most complex way. I made an organizer on my brain, that I’ll do this  today, and that the other day, and those stuffs for the following days, weeks, months and years. I arranged everything as If I know what will happen in the future. But doing those things, I’m unaware that I also build a wall around myself. Limiting myself from social interactions. Avoiding few people I thought would only use and hurt me. 

"People say that I’m amazing, I’m strong beyond these years. But they don’t see inside of me, I’m hiding all the tears"
                                                    -Gary Valenciano, Warrior Is The Child

So those people look up to me. I’m strong. Almost everyone I know told me that. Then I eventually thought I was. Until the realization comes. 
Yea. I don’t want to admit it. But somehow I cannot also deny it. I have this depression that have been famous for some people. I never had an idea before that this kind of illness will exist. So it hit me and I’m afraid of it. 

Begin Here.

So I will start my new found blog. Change is good! Ayt? 

I will definitely fill this page about different things that I will encounter or already encountered. Life is good. Ikr. So lemme write what my lips can't speak up. :)