Friday, September 20, 2013

My New Found Love

September 11, 2013 4:31PM

I’ve never been in love like this before. I just realize this feeling one day, as I open my eyes in the morning. I fall in love with the idea of doing anything about artworks.
I always say that music is my first love. I’ve been singing since the day I knew how to do it, though at the first chapter of my so-called singing career of mine, I found it very difficult to convince myself that I could really sing. Music has a very special part in my life and I know that my life wouldn’t be as wonderful as it is when there’s no music. So that is my first love.

As I claim that music is my very first love, I also know that by heart, Architecture is my one and only true love. Being an Architecture student for almost five years of my life have been very challenging. You have to deal with so many things and you also have to face the hectic schedule as you go into its different phases. Whenever I think of those things in my life, I can’t help but to wonder. It’s really amazing how I went to different stages just to achieve these things. Music is like Architecture, they blend to one person’s life. You don’t have to be born an Architect or a Singer. You just have to be patience in getting the right characteristics to be one of them, to be a real Architect and a Singer/Musician. Practice is the secret of it. There’s no one-night-produce to be one of them, just have patience on practicing over and over.
But the magnificent part of this is I fall in love again. These past few days, I’ve been dealing with so much confusion on my mind. I still don’t have an answer to what my doctor questions, what will be my short-term plans? It brings headaches and yeah, even heartaches, whenever I think of it. I’m still not sure about my plans for the coming months. I’m not yet ready. So as I think of those stuffs daily, that I have do something worthy, I’ve realize one thing, I want to be a real artist. I love the idea of me doing so many things about arts crafts and I being so in love with it more and more.

In order to make those goals possible, I have to go on to several steps.

1.      Tools –you need a tool to make it possible, art tools to be specific. But there’s a plenty of tools and we need to be very precise on picking one.

2.      Money –let’s be realistic. Money is what we really need to start a business or hobby that involves art.

3.      Workspace –you have to make an effort to find a right place for it. In my situation, my room will also serve as my studio, as if I have a choice. Hehe.

4.      Talent –oh c’mon, these is the basic.

5.      Interest –just like talent, you have to have an interest on what everything’s you plan to do.

6.      Heart –love what you do. Put your heart on it. Feel each process and build it with passion. That is the greatest tool.

Monday, September 2, 2013

I’m Not Sexy, So What?

September 02, 2013 10:05 PM

Often times, I think that life is being so unfair. Well, yeah, technically, it’s not really fair. Why some people are fortunate? Why most are not? Why there are poor and rich? Why there are ugly and beautiful? Why measurements and weights are an issue to everyone?

I’m actually one of those people who frequently ask why life is not fair, especially when it comes to physical appearance. Nah! I’m confident that I’m not ugly, but I’m not also beautiful compared to others. Good thing that my mother tells me I’m pretty, at least there’s a little encouragement on my part. Come to think of it. Isn’t it nice if all of us have an equal blessing? That would be a great idea, isn’t it? But those are just a wild dream. We have to deal in our differences and accept what God gave to us.

But wait, is being beautiful and sexy are really a requirement?

Physical appearance is just an outer layer of our personality. Most of us deceive in what a person looks a like without realizing the real beauty is inside the person’s heart. Just like in taking a body measurements. Sure we all wants to be physical fit. We love to dress up in different types and sizes of clothes, to walk with full confidence in a crowd, to be adored and be love. But not all of us are given that kind of opportunity.

Jim Morrison, an America singer-song writer and poet thought that fat was beautiful. He describes that being fat made him feel a giant, powerful mammal. His views on eating and body image are quite refreshing. That obsession with size and weight is tricky.

Is being fat has really an advantage? Here’s my list.

Advantages of Being Fat

  • Huggable –the good thing about hugging a fat or chubby person is that, when you hug them, you really HUG them big. You’ll experience the floppy and comfortable feeling that will keep you on coming back for more.

  • People don’t expect you to be athletic –when you’re P.E teacher asks you to do some exercise demos for your class, they won’t expect you to perfect it. In another thing, maybe it can be your excuse to not be their pet.

  • You won’t make negative comments to others –surely, when ask, you won’t give bad comments against others because you exactly feel what they might feel when tell them those.

  • You will always be cautious to what will you do –some people really act so clumsy that end up to inappropriate scenarios. But when you’re larger or heavier than others, you’ll always be aware of what you act or speak, since you think that you catch more attention than slim persons, because technically, you’re visually larger than them. That’s not bad idea ayt?

  • You can eat what you want –that’s the real spirit. You can choose whatever you like. You will not be like the other people who are so conscious on what they eat, that they could actually bring a calculator so that they can compute each carbs they take in.

  • Nanay will be very happy –seriously, when you thought a lot about your diet plan, you might skip the dinner and forgot that you’re mother exert a lot of time and effort to prepare a meal. Making her happy is actually great.
Despite of the negative comments about being fat and the health risk, the good side should be considered. Being fat is not a crime. It is just an exterior part of you. The real you are beneath of those fats around your belly. The real you are inside your heart and soul. You are beautiful no matter what the world says about you. You could be attractive and sexy thru your attitudes and points of view in life. We all know that being fit is health. But being fat is also an opportunity to test those people to love you aside from your appearance. You’re God’s greatest creature. You are beautiful, just be you.

You’re So Addictive My Dear Coffee

September 02. 2013 9:40 PM

Is there anyone who doesn't want coffee? I was one of them then, until I experience and fall in love with it.

I was a not coffee dependent before. I’d rather drink a cup of hot choco. I could able to do all my task and commitments. My life is normal and simple. I just wake up every morning feeling contented and could sleep at night in at peace feeling. That was my life before I turned to be an addict. Oh yeah. I’ve changed. I’m still not yet sure if it’s for good or what. All I can just say is that, I love it. Well. I’m not talking about my life in general; it’s all more of my relationship with coffee. Haha.

Coffee is a brewed beverage prepared from the roasted seeds of several species of an evergreen shrub of the genus Coffea. That was according to my researches, but basically, coffee is just a drink that makes us all complete. It deserves my compliments, of course!

I was in my first year in college when drinking coffee has been my habit. My lifestyle had to change. I have to make some extra effort to shift my night in to daylight, and to stay awake in the middle of the night. I have to stay alive in order to make good grades. With so much drawing plates and projects to finish, I have to look up for a companion to make myself active, and that is coffee. That was in year 2009. I am now an avid fan of coffee despite its negative effect on me and up to now, my days won’t be complete if I haven’t drink even a single cup of coffee. Coffee is really addictive because it contains caffeine. But for those people like me who won’t survive without it, cheers!