Friday, September 20, 2013

My New Found Love

September 11, 2013 4:31PM

I’ve never been in love like this before. I just realize this feeling one day, as I open my eyes in the morning. I fall in love with the idea of doing anything about artworks.
I always say that music is my first love. I’ve been singing since the day I knew how to do it, though at the first chapter of my so-called singing career of mine, I found it very difficult to convince myself that I could really sing. Music has a very special part in my life and I know that my life wouldn’t be as wonderful as it is when there’s no music. So that is my first love.

As I claim that music is my very first love, I also know that by heart, Architecture is my one and only true love. Being an Architecture student for almost five years of my life have been very challenging. You have to deal with so many things and you also have to face the hectic schedule as you go into its different phases. Whenever I think of those things in my life, I can’t help but to wonder. It’s really amazing how I went to different stages just to achieve these things. Music is like Architecture, they blend to one person’s life. You don’t have to be born an Architect or a Singer. You just have to be patience in getting the right characteristics to be one of them, to be a real Architect and a Singer/Musician. Practice is the secret of it. There’s no one-night-produce to be one of them, just have patience on practicing over and over.
But the magnificent part of this is I fall in love again. These past few days, I’ve been dealing with so much confusion on my mind. I still don’t have an answer to what my doctor questions, what will be my short-term plans? It brings headaches and yeah, even heartaches, whenever I think of it. I’m still not sure about my plans for the coming months. I’m not yet ready. So as I think of those stuffs daily, that I have do something worthy, I’ve realize one thing, I want to be a real artist. I love the idea of me doing so many things about arts crafts and I being so in love with it more and more.

In order to make those goals possible, I have to go on to several steps.

1.      Tools –you need a tool to make it possible, art tools to be specific. But there’s a plenty of tools and we need to be very precise on picking one.

2.      Money –let’s be realistic. Money is what we really need to start a business or hobby that involves art.

3.      Workspace –you have to make an effort to find a right place for it. In my situation, my room will also serve as my studio, as if I have a choice. Hehe.

4.      Talent –oh c’mon, these is the basic.

5.      Interest –just like talent, you have to have an interest on what everything’s you plan to do.

6.      Heart –love what you do. Put your heart on it. Feel each process and build it with passion. That is the greatest tool.

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