Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Realization: Look Back!

I was in Marikina Polytechnic College to assist my nephew for his enrollment. As we pass through the entrance, the first thought that came to my mind was, the population of the enrollees are minimal compared to Technological Institute of the Philippines in Quezon City, were I took my four years in higher level of education.

MPC is one of the public state here in Marikina that accepts student with a lesser tuition fees. Though it is patronize by different students from high school, the standard and education system of this college is really good. Back in May 2009, I was also one of those struggling teenagers who passed the college entrance exam. I was fortunate then, but I chose to left the opportunity and went to TIPQC.

I never regret in choosing TIPQC than other colleges. Though I have tons of complains about the school policies and its surroundings, I will always be glad to be part of it. The professors I've met in that school taught a lots of things that I still value and practice.

No matter what path you chooses and which stairs you're about to climb, just remember the importance of looking back to where you comes from. You're not what you are right now, If not because of those things and experiences.

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